Do you want to attend real consultations with a psychologist on overweight? If you want to regain harmony and have tried everything that is possible for ...
All the rules of nutrition - in a convenient summary format! There is no one universal secret that would allow everyone to be in great shape and not gain...
Chances are good that all your life you have flooded your body with cheap fuel, not thinking that there is another, better source of energy. Talking about carb...
“Fat makes you fat, proteins make you cholesterol!” - doctors and nutritionists assured us for a long time, urging us to eat "light" food. We did just that, replacing proteins and.
Biologist and geneticist Ancha Baranova and nutritionist Maria Kardakova have jointly written a book that helps to look at healthy eating from a different angle. Books...
A new book by Zhenya Donova, a practicing psychologist, author of a blog on the psychology of eating behavior. The author explains why disharmony with food is dangerous, ...
Making peace with food, getting rid of endless diets and learning to live in the here and now are the main principles of intuitive eating. Authors, prominent experts in...