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грн220.46 -10% Off грн198.41Only the sensitive hands of остеопата are able to correct pathological changes accumulating in our body for the past years. By means of the special technique of воздейст...
грн151.56 -10% Off грн136.40Alexander Nikolaevich Формозов (1899-1973) is the known scientist, environmentalist, зоогеограф, professor of Moscow University. He, author of many scientific monographs, ши...
грн235.22 -10% Off грн211.70On the pages of the real edition future person building will find all necessary for itself information and able without effort, and main without severe errors, to incarnate in...
грн91.59 -10% Off грн82.43This small book possesses huge possibilities - for the counted instants you can get an answer for any question and advice in the most difficult situation, ...
грн169.26 -10% Off грн152.33In a reference book information is systematized about hikes, trips by an automatic bracing gear and on foot, the optimal variants of decision of problems are offered in difficult.
грн75.36 -10% Off грн67.82In ancient times, to the middle of the I century B.C., the tribes of Celt dwelt on territory of a few modern countries (To England, France, Spain, Italy and Czech Republic)....
грн178.18 -10% Off грн160.36"It is time to treat oneself correctly" is a book-guide-book for those, who wants to be healthy, who got used to live on principle "trust, but check", who believes in maybe...
грн43.16 -10% Off грн38.84From what to begin organization of domestic apiary, that did maintenance of bees in course of time from a hobby outgrow in profitable business? Many beginning bee-keepers are set.
грн153.13 -10% Off грн137.82Knowledge about healthful force of plants accumulated during centuries our ancestors. And in the XXI century medicine, in spite of mighty arsenal of facilities being...
грн129.79 -10% Off грн116.81Unusual, keen, interesting, staggering and absolutely reliable facts that you did not know full surely. Whether it is possible to see diamonds and diamonds on ...
грн38.40 -10% Off грн34.56Diabetes is not illness, and way of life! Doctor-endocrinology Хавра Саидовна Астамирова and experience diabetic Mikhail Sergeevich Ахманов are a physicist and known writer - I.
грн23.47 -10% Off грн21.12Large variability in intravital manifestations, post-mortem changes, epidemiological data, as well as the similarity of individual clinical signs and other ...