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Russian 3 class
грн31.95 -10% Off грн28.76In a manual included rule and task on all themes of the school program of Russian for 3 classes.Tasks are up-diffused on three levels: 1th level - base, ...
грн17.86 -10% Off грн16.07In a manual basic programmatic material is presented on Russian for students 3th class, broken on 10 employments. Every employment is anticipated: (перечисля...
грн69.00 -10% Off грн62.10A manual contains exercise on all basic rules of the program of Russian for 1-4th classes. These exercises will help a child to capture skill of literate пи...
грн45.37 -10% Off грн40.83In order that schoolchildren learned correctly to write, it is needed not only well to know the rules of Russian but also much to practice.Trainer, corresponding Ф...
грн91.19 -10% Off грн82.07This manual is collection of tasks and exercises that will help parents to organize effective work on warning and removal of неко...
грн45.37 -10% Off грн40.83Reiteration passed in a previous class is basis of educational process at the beginning of every school year. Exactly these tasks a book will help successfully to decide.
грн114.11 -10% Off грн102.70This train aid on Russian contains all rules studied at initial school. In a book many entertaining exercises and creative tasks for повт...
грн111.73 -10% Off грн100.56Edition contains 30 000 examples and tasks on fixing of the basic rules envisaged by the program on Russian for 3 classes.All material of manual of si...
грн41.22 -10% Off грн37.10Reiteration passed in a previous class is basis of educational process at the beginning of every school year. In addition, there is good tradition in many families - ле...
грн66.86 -10% Off грн60.17Train aid will help schoolchildren to execute the most difficult practical tasks on Russian is a phonetic analysis of word and analysis of word on composition, морф...
грн61.71 -10% Off грн55.54A manual contains thematic and test tasks on all course of Russian for 3 classes. They will walk up to any plugged in the Federal list textbook...
грн31.37 -10% Off грн28.23This collection plugs in itself exercises, that will help you it is better to master material on themes the "Indefinite form of verb", "Time of verb", "Conjugation hl...