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Древневосточная literature
грн84.60 -10% Off грн76.14Ancient Chinese treatise "Art of war" written with more than two millenniums back a warrior and philosopher Сунь-цзы (VI - V вв. to н. э.). Being first from all highway...
грн157.24 -10% Off грн141.52Chinese эротология is the unique system of achievement of the mystic lighting up, finding of transcendent experience, extension of life and even ascents to immortality...
грн131.11 -10% Off грн118.00In a book included three most known treatise, sanctified to strategy of behavior in the conflicts of any level - from military operations to political debates and ...
грн178.58 -10% Off грн160.72From what to begin an acquaintance with the culture of China? The best of all - from the sources of this culture, from ancient legends and stories. Ма Чжэнь collected in the book.
грн180.74 -10% Off грн162.67Audiobook, in new translation of popular composer and performer. Бхагавад-гита ("Song of God") - along with Bible and Koran, one of most reverent свяще...
грн237.98 -10% Off грн214.18Able to count an opponent, as if an experience chess-player. Quickly to find a finisher in споре. To bear in a mind a set non-standard tactician for an exit from liked...
грн59.35 -10% Off грн53.42A lobster Хайям was born in 1048 in Нишапуре. Studied there, later continued educating in the largest centers of science of that time of Балхе, Samarkand of and other Being two...
грн235.53 -10% Off грн211.98To "win an art" Сунь-Цзы, Chinese thinker and military leader of the VI century B.C., is in a world culture most actual and worked out руковод...
грн176.93 -10% Off грн159.24Ancient Chinese treatise "Art of war", written more than two thousand years back by a great military leader and strategist Сунь-Цзы, until now shows by itself rich...
грн176.33 -10% Off грн158.70Стратагема is some algorithm of behavior, counted sequence of the executions sent to the achievement of the hidden aim or decision of some task with обяз...
грн100.23 -10% Off грн90.21The real book is the known древнекитайский treatise sanctified to military politics. Until now nobody yet succeeded to set forth principles of prosecution of war so...
грн66.60 -10% Off грн59.94Миямото Мусаси - personality is legendary. Warrior, master of sword, and in addition, artist, sculptor and calligrapher, leaving writing labour occupying an important place ...