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Religious studies / are history of religions
грн189.56 -10% Off грн170.60Domination of christianity in the medieval world generated all modern culture, in space of that we exist from birth to death - exactly oh ...
грн83.27 -10% Off грн74.94This famous book is a brilliant analysis of fight of reason and religion in the modern world. An author demonstrates, how often in history we rejected reasons of reason in п...
грн79.45 -10% Off грн71.51Unbelievable психоистория became the last work of hundred-per-cent atheist and father of psycho-analysis "Man by name Moses". Зигмунд Freud put before itself амб...
грн119.53 -10% Off грн107.58Saint Nikolay - one of the most reverent and favourite saints on Rus. In folk legends he is considered the first after God and Mother of God. From the most ancient times ...
грн96.51 -10% Off грн86.86Paul Тиллих (1886-1965) is the German-American christian thinker, theology, philosopher of culture. Main problems of work of Тиллиха are christianity and to the cult...
грн128.87 -10% Off грн115.98A new book by the abbot of the Sretensky Monastery and the rector of the Sretensky Theological Seminary, Archbishop Ambrose of Vereya, is an invitation to talk about.
грн22.97 -10% Off грн20.67In a brochure on strictly documentary basis мифотворческая activity and lie of abbot of подворья of non-existent monastery of priest Г. are disrobed Clean...
грн118.30 -10% Off грн106.47Striking connections between judaic, christian and islam looks to Jesus - one of key riddles in history of religion. That is talked about Jesus and е...
грн160.62 -10% Off грн144.56Father Романо Скальфи (1923-2016), catholic priest, founder of fund, is "Christian Russia", popularizer of east christian tradition".Short истор...
грн62.80 -10% Off грн56.52First specialized bibliographic pointer on a moslem and ordinary right for moslem people in Russian language. A pointer embraces моногра...
грн51.78 -10% Off грн46.60A monograph is sanctified to the analysis of islam conception of human rights and her role in the dialogue of cultures and religions in the modern world. The initial beginning is.
грн24.21 -10% Off грн21.79A hymn is the "Thousand names Vishnu" - one of the most reverent sacral texts in hinduism. He is widely used in contemplative practices and divine services. These ...