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Dogmas are in a buddhism
грн195.74 -15% Off грн166.38Before you the best seller is from one of the greatest minds of America, possessor Пулитцеровской bonuses. Written merrily, cleverly, clear and very entertaining!Будд...
грн155.65 -15% Off грн132.30A book "The Quiet forest back-water" is the blameless reflection of that quiet, intensive and glad practice that life of monks of forest tradition is filled with Hid...
грн214.03 -15% Off грн181.93This book is the most complete introduction to the studies of Buddha, expounded by his own words. American scientific monk Бхиккху Бодхи, whose numerous...
грн63.60 -15% Off грн54.06
The book presents the biography of the Indian tantrika Tilopa (988-1069), one of the 84 mahasiddhas. The text was compiled by Marpa Choki Lodro (1012-1097), Tibetan...
грн95.40 -15% Off грн81.09Text of the XII century about life and adventures Indian махасиддхи Наропы (1016 - 1100), and also the known method of practice, named Six yogi Наропы.
грн118.85 -15% Off грн101.02Ljubov in the relations of man and woman is examined in a buddhism as basis for the personal height and plenitude of life. A lama Оле Нидал explains how Buddha of рекомендов...
грн122.61 -15% Off грн104.22A lama Оле Нидал presents a buddhism to the modern reader - most ancient and most enigmatic from three world religions. Bases of buddhistic philosophy, meditation...
грн219.85 -15% Off грн186.87This book is sanctified to the discussion of different aspects of meditation of attentiveness and is continuation of two monographs of Аналайо Бхиккху before published in Russia...
грн150.53 -15% Off грн127.95History of the Indian prince Сиддхартхи tells about that, how he became Buddha Clarified. It is a story about intrepidity, gladness and love. Accompanied красочн...
грн174.38 -15% Off грн148.22Eight attentive steps fortunately is the Octal noble way, fundamental practical studies of buddhism about overcoming of suffering. In an outage and to...
грн128.96 -15% Off грн109.62"Светоч of confidence" is a classic textbook of Tibetan tradition of Кагью. An author, Джамген Конгтрул I Лодре Тхае (1813-1899), is considered one of the greatest scientists ...
грн155.65 -15% Off грн132.30Text the "Lunar refulgency of махамудры" made as guidance on practice. As by a beginner, we are better to execute practice of махамудры consistently - step by step....