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грн350.07 -15% Off грн297.56In a book the questions of radiation defence of personnel and patients are examined during realization of radial therapy in oncologic establishments. Appearance is in радиологич...
грн89.23 -15% Off грн75.85The manual outlines epidemiological data, features of pathogenesis, principles of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with gastrointestinal stromal diseases.
грн180.79 -15% Off грн153.67On a today's moment a cancer is considered an incurable disease. The cases of recovery both doctors and patients frequently bind to the diagnostic error. Одн...
грн248.75 -15% Off грн211.44This book is a vault of knowledge about horrific the man of illness. The question is about a cancer. Journalist and writer Катерина Гордеева during a few years п occupies.
грн79.31 -15% Off грн67.41Practical guidance contains information for doctors-gynaecologists and doctors of other specialities clashing in the work with oncologic заболеван...
грн45.26 -15% Off грн38.47Aim of manual - to acquaint doctors-oncologists with modern possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of venous тромбоэмболических complications in онкохиру...
грн193.92 -15% Off грн164.83When doctor David Servan-Schreiber was thirty, he was diagnosed with a rare and dangerous form of cancer - glioblastoma of the brain. But David wouldn't let...
грн431.31 -15% Off грн366.61The book brain tumors. CT and MRI diagnostics” is dedicated to the diagnosis of tumor lesions of the central nervous system. At the same time, the features of the mo...
грн122.61 -15% Off грн104.22This book is for the widest audience of people who want to learn more about oncology. Practicing oncologist Polina Shilo gently removes numerous...