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National politics
грн98.96 -10% Off грн89.06In the book offered to the attention of readers by the famous Russian researcher, professor of RUDN University M.M. Al-Janabi reveals the fundamental aspects of Islam: ...
грн79.49 -10% Off грн71.54Not so long ago, the world and Russian public, interested in the scandalous murder of former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, was intrigued by a report about ...
грн154.60 -10% Off грн139.14This man was a dissident and a soldier, fought against the regime, fought in the same tank with the Prime Minister of Israel and headed the most secret intelligence agency of.
грн149.87 -10% Off грн134.88Being a bear fighter and "convinced recusant", the author of this book always accepted affronted, not avoiding participating in most hotshot схватк...
грн27.17 -10% Off грн24.45What aims are put before itself by China in the XXI century, and what methods of it tries to get? What Chinese total espionage? That is done by the secret service agents of.
грн58.62 -10% Off грн52.76A book will become the entertaining reading for those, who plans new projects. Many useful knowledge carry she all, who carries on business, politics, science and ...
грн88.23 -10% Off грн79.41Ivan Aleksandrovich Ильин is the Russian philosopher, writer and publicist, supporter of White motion and successive critic of communist power in Russia. He тя...
грн87.30 -10% Off грн78.57Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894-1971) headed the Soviet state in 1953-1964 the remembrances he began to dictate in 1965, almost right after retirement, ...
грн88.23 -10% Off грн79.41Second book of remembrances of Н.С. Khrushchev sanctified to the mutual relations with the outer world, first of all with the nearest allies - Восточно-европейскими countries ...
грн76.67 -10% Off грн69.00Darwin, as is generally known, blamed the short-sightedness of man punctiliously investigating the inherited signs of horse and dogs and here recklessly entering...
грн34.64 -10% Off грн31.18The general of army Philip Denisovich Бобков 20 over headed Fifth Management KGB of the USSR. These throughout the year a fight did not cease with т...
грн27.73 -10% Off грн24.96The general of army Philip Denisovich Бобков 20 over contested with dissidents, being the leader of 5th Management KGB of the USSR. He collected enormous material about деяте...