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Theory of the state and right
грн132.42 -10% Off грн119.18Никколо Макиавелли devoted part of the life to government service. His experience and watching the methods of management of politicians became basis of treatise "Sovereign...
грн142.59 -10% Off грн128.33More than 250 years ago, Robert-Francois Damien, who attempted to kill King Louis XV, was quartered on the Place Greve in Paris. From a description of his monstrous...
грн167.35 -10% Off грн150.62A treatise became the known work of Никколо Макиавелли "Sovereign". Exactly this labour in 1559 a catholic church entered in the list of the forbidden books, and...
грн25.00 -10% Off грн22.50
Alexander reveals the main contradictions of the utility function: benefit in the present vs benefit in the future, individual benefit vs general benefit, ce...
грн120.00 -10% Off грн108.00
This book is a critical essay on Marxism and, in particular, the materialist understanding of history. The authors consider the materialistic understanding o...
грн145.00 -10% Off грн130.50
The monograph examines the features and results of the official investigation into the case of secret societies and the Decembrist conspiracy. For the first ...
грн120.00 -10% Off грн108.00
The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation in the subject “Political Science”. I...
грн45.00 -10% Off грн40.50
Grigory Yavlinsky’s article “Compensation tax and problems of protecting property rights” in the international collective monograph “The Rule of Law as a Fac...
грн75.00 -10% Off грн67.50
The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the transition to a market economy in Russia, economic institutions that are extremely important in the transitio...
грн55.00 -10% Off грн49.50"Swiss democracy. Possible solutions to conflicts in multicultural societies" is a book that explores Switzerland's unique experience in resolving conflicts bet...
грн120.00 -10% Off грн108.00
A step-by-step guide for every conscript, his parents and friends on how to exercise their right to replace military service with alternative civilian servic...
грн75.00 -10% Off грн67.50
In America, 2.3 million people—a population about the size of Houston’s, the country’s fourth-largest city—live behind bars. Sick Justice explores the eco...