Motion is life. In the living wild the beasts and birds, deprived to possibility to move, perish. And a human brain is programed similarly: the protracted immobility is perceived by him as disqualification for life, the program works on a self-destruction. Therefore for possibility freely and actively moving is needed to fight and fight as for life.In the book "Solo for a backbone" a professor Anatoliy Ситель acquaints reader with the unique methodology of самоисцеления, that will allow to the reader independently by means of the special curative poses-motions to get rid from pains in the different departments of backbone and joints and to recover their flexibility and mobility in a short space of time. In basis of method of independent liquidation of pain in a backbone and joints the idea of weakening influence lies in curative aims on a спазмированную muscle or group of muscles, direct-coupled with the problem department of backbone or joint.The author of book is convinced, that the state of backbone determines vital potential of man, that a healthy backbone is a chance of each of us on active longevity without illnesses and suffering. In fact exactly through a backbone signals and nervous impulses-commands go to all vital!If you want to recover life-breaths and get rid not only from pains in a backbone and joints, but also from and cardiac headaches, violations of cardiac rhythm and dizzinesses, failures in-process organs of digestion, and also other chronic indispositions - foremost will recover the health of backbone on the offered methodology.The real edition is processed and complemented by an author, includes new unique materials.This book is not a textbook on medicine, all recommendations driven to her, to use only after a concordance with a treating doctor.A book was also published under the name "Aria for a back. Authorial program against pain in joints".
Справжнє джерело знань та практичних порад для всіх, хто прагне
Книга "Соло для хребта" від професора Анатолія Сителя - це справжнє відкриття для всіх, хто стикається з проблемами спини та суглобів. Автор унікальної методики самоісцелення детально розкриває суть своєї програми, яка дозволяє читачеві самостійно позбутися від болю та відновити гнучкість хребта за короткий термін. Через розслабляючі лікувальні позиції та рухи, автор допомагає зняти спазми м'язів та покращити стан хребта, що в свою чергу впливає на загальний стан здоров'я людини. Ця книга - не лише джерело корисної інформації, але й практичний посібник для тих, хто прагне активно займатися своїм здоров'ям. Рекомендую "Соло для хребта" всім, хто цінує своє здоров'я та бажає жити без болю та дискомфорту!
Motion is life. In the living wild the beasts and birds, deprived to possibility to move, perish. And a human brain is programed similarly: protracted not...