This publication is dedicated to the greatest French engraver, illustrator and painter Gustave Doré. Seven centuries have passed since the creation of The Di...
"Kindergarten" is a book that invites the reader on a journey through twelve months, each of which is represented by a separate zodiac sign. The author manages ...
In our idea of the Middle Ages, the figure of the knight is invariably in the foreground. Crusades and knightly tournaments, the worship of beautiful ladies ...
The world-famous chivalric poem by Torquato Tasso (1544–1595), dedicated to the events of the First Crusade, which ended with the capture of Jerusalem (1099)...
Italian philosopher and entrepreneur Nicolo Machiavelli made politics and diplomacy a science, and his name is still synonymous with psychological manipulati...
The main work of the Byzantine philosopher, theologian, historian, astronomer and writer Nikifor Grigora (Νικηφόρος Γρηγοράς) includes 37 books and covers th...
The name of Olivier de La Marche is inextricably linked with the exaltation of the knightly idea and the glorification of the Burgundian court. He grew up at...
The main work of Patriarch Photius - “Library” (“Μυροβίβλιον”) was written around 855 in the form of a letter to his brother, Patrician Tarasius. Contains ab...
"Scottish Antiquity" is the second book in the "Anima Celtica" series, after "Faces of Ireland". The series presents translations of authoritative Celtic pri...
For the first time, the reader is offered a complete translation from Old Dutch of the diaries of Herrit de Weyr, a participant in the Arctic voyages of Will...