The cycle of the master of mystical thriller and horror John Connolly tells the story of a private detective, a retired policeman, Charlie Parker, who, while...
The authors of the collection “The First Story” live in the Southern Urals, most of them are our fellow countrymen, Chelyabinsk residents: N. Perezhogin, A. ...
Jorge Luis Borges is one of the most famous writers of the 20th century, who largely determined the shape of modern literature. Borges's texts, be they ficti...
The volume is based on the contents of the first anthology of Greek epigrams, compiled in the 1st century. before Chr. and supplemented in modern times, whic...
The fourth volume of the collection of stories by the outstanding writer includes works from the collections “Detectives According to Azimov” and “Buying Jup...
In a monograph the problems of эндопротезирования of thurl are considered in difficult and non-standard situations. These cases are constrained as with anatomic oh...
The educational and methodical manual on the discipline "History of Asian and African countries" is intended for students of historical faculties. Lecture materials can...
Readers are offered a collection of biographical essays about remarkable people - employees of the illegal unit of Soviet foreign intelligence, who selflessl...
"In the thirty-five years that have passed since the first edition of this book, Russia has changed its political system, but has not found its own identity....
"Songs" is a book that impresses with its depth and poetics. The author reaches for the thinnest strings of the human soul, revealing the brightest feelings and...
Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) is an outstanding British writer, biographer and journalist, one of the most subtle English stylists, as well as a recognized master...
“Chinese Eros” is a phenomenon rare in the world and unprecedented in domestic literature. This scientific and artistic collection, prepared by highly qualif...