Intelligent Apocalypse. The Revelation of St. John the Theologian and the most authoritative interpretations from antiquity to t

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The Apocalypse is the most mysterious book of the New Testament and the only prophetic book that talks about the future. Many generations of Christian believers, philosophers, and mystics have tried to unravel the mysteries of the Apocalypse and understand the prophecy that awaits us. The Apocalypse - its symbols, quotes, mysterious sayings, images had a huge influence on the development of the entire world culture. Holy men penetrated into the secrets of the Apocalypse and in very accessible words explained what an ordinary person in his daily rhythm of life is not able to understand... Fascinating reading, lifting the veil of the future and revealing Divine mysteries, the Interpretation of the Apocalypse will introduce the reader to the most mysterious book of the New Testament, introducing him to a world that is accessible only to holy ascetics.
Printed by publication of Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. M., 1911
Vision in which I saw the Dressed One in the midst of seven golden lamps
Revealed to the angel of the Ephesian Church
Revealed to the angel of the Smyrna Church
Revealed to the Angel of the Church of Pergamum
Revealed to the Angel of the Church of Thyatira
Revealed to the Angel of the Church of Sardis
Revealed to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia
Revealed to the Angel Laodicean Church
About the doors seen in heaven and the 24 elders, and other things
About the book sealed with seven seals, which none of the created creatures can loose
About a vision of a throne and four living creatures in the middle. About the resolution of the book by the Lamb having seven horns
Removal the first seal, meaning the apostolic teaching
The opening of the second seal, meaning the war of the infidels against the believers
The opening of the third seal, meaning the falling away from Christ of those who do not have firm faith in Him
The opening of the fourth seal, showing the plagues brought upon the wicked
The opening of the fifth seal, showing the cry of holy souls to the Lord about death
The opening of the sixth seal, meaning the plagues brought upon death
About one hundred and forty-four thousand people who were not harmed by the plague of the four angels
About a countless people from the tongues wearing bright clothes
The opening of the seventh seal, showing that angelic powers bring To God, like incense, the prayers of the saints
About the seven angels and that when the first of them sounded, hail, fire and blood fell on the earth
About the second angel and about the destruction of those living in the sea
About the third angel and the bitterness of river waters
About the fourth angel and the eclipse of the luminaries
About the fifth angel, mental locusts and about their different appearance
About the sixth angel and about the angels allowed under the Euphrates
About the angel clothed in a cloud and a rainbow, foretelling the death
About how the evangelist received a book from an angel
About Enoch and Elijah
About the resurrection of two prophets of God killed by the Antichrist
About the seventh trumpet and about the saints glorifying God for the future Judgment< /p>
About the persecution of the Church before and under the Antichrist
About the warfare of angels and demons and the fall of Satan
About the fact that the serpent does not cease to persecute the Church
< p>About the seven-headed and ten-horned beastAbout the false prophet
About the evil name of the Antichrist
About The Lamb and the one hundred and forty-four thousand standing with Him on Mount Zion
About the angel predicting the nearness of the future Judgment
About the angel announcing the fall of Babylon
About another angel , warning the faithful not to accept the Antichrist
That He who sits on the cloud will reap with the sickle the growth of the earth
About the angel pruning the vine of bitterness
About the seven angels who guide plagues of people before death, and about the glass sea, which I saw in Revelation
That after the pouring out of the first vial, purulent wounds appeared on the apostates
About the pouring out of the second vial on those in the sea< /p>
That from the third plague the rivers turn into blood
That from the fourth plague people are scorched with heat
That the fifth plague will darken the animal kingdom
About the sixth the vial opens the way through the Euphrates for the kings from the rising of the sun
About the fact that through the seventh plague there will be hail and an earthquake on people
About one of the seven holy angels, who showed Blessed John the destruction of the city of the harlot, and about the seven heads and ten horns
About how an angel interpreted the mystery he saw
About another angel announcing the fall of Babylon, and about a heavenly voice commanding him to flee the city and put aside the pleasant things they had before
About the hymn of the saints and the threefold “Alleluia” that they sing during the destruction of Babylon
About the mystical marriage and the supper of the Lamb
About that , that the evangelist saw Christ on a white horse along with the holy angels
About the Antichrist and about those thrown into Gehenna with him
About the binding of Satan from the crucifixion of Christ to death, and about a thousand years
About the thrones for those who have kept the confession of Christ unchanged
About the first resurrection and the second death
About Gog and Magog
About He who sits on the throne, the general resurrection and Judgment
About the new heaven, the new earth and the Jerusalem on high
About what He who sat on the throne said
About the angel, who showed the city of saints and measured its wall with its gates
About the pure river that seemed to emanate from the throne
That Christ is the God of the prophets and the Lord of the angels
About reliability of what was seen by the angel
That Revelation was commanded not to be recorded, but to be preached
That the Church and the Spirit who dwells in it await the glorious coming of Christ, and about the curse that those who damage this book will suffer
The Expository Bible, or Commentaries for all books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Ed. prof. A. P. Lopukhina. 1911
Averky; Taushev Alexander Pavlovich; archbishop Syracuse-Trinity. Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. John the Theologian: History of writing, rules for interpretation and analysis of the text. M., 1991
Data sheet
- Name of the Author
- Александр Лопухин Павлович
Андрей Кесарийский
Архиепископ Аверкий
Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков) - Language
- Russian
Глибоке занурення у таємниці Апокаліпсису
Книга "Тлумачний Апокаліпсис" є справжнім скарбом для всіх, хто прагне зрозуміти глибокі символи та пророчі висловлювання, що містяться в Одкровенні святого Іоанна Богослова. Автор майстерно поєднує історичний контекст, філософські роздуми та релігійні тлумачення, що дозволяє читачеві не лише ознайомитися з текстом, але й глибше усвідомити його значення. Книга відкриває завісу таємниць, які оточують пророчі образи, і допомагає зрозуміти їх вплив на розвиток світової культури. Я особисто знайшов багато нових ідей та розумінь, які надихнули мене на подальші роздуми про віру та майбутнє. Рекомендую цю книгу всім, хто цікавиться релігією, філософією та історією, адже вона здатна розширити горизонти вашого сприйняття світу.