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This new complete translation of the collected poems of Catullus is distinguished by special care for the original. The translator translates the text as accurately as possible (both texts are published in parallel) and reproduces the figurative structure of the works of one of the most famous Roman poets. Perhaps this is the best translation of Catullus into Russian that exists today. The information in numerous appendices will help the reader who is getting acquainted with the work of Catullus for the first time, and the linguistic research of the translator will be of interest to specialists.
CONTENTS: Catulli Veronensis Liber / Book of Catullus of Verona 5 [Libellus pnmus / Part One] 6/7I Cui dono lepidum novum libellum 6 188[Dedication to Cornelius Nepos] 7Pa passer, deliciae meae puellae 6 188[Sparrow and finger] 7lib tam gratum est mihi quam ferunt puellae 8 189[Fragment about the golden apple] 9III lugete, about Veneres Cupidinesque 8 189[To the death of the sparrow] 9IV phaselus ille, quern videtis, hospites 10 189[Old ship] 11V vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus 12 190[Thousands of kisses] 13VI Flavi, delicias tuas Catullo 12 191[Alcove secrets of Flavius] 13VII quaeris, quot mihi basiationes 14 191[Kisses of Lesbia and flowers in the desert] 15VIII miser Catulle, desinas ineptire 14 192[Catullus, brace yourself!] 15IX Verani, omnibus e meis amic is 16 193[Veranius has returned!] 17X Varus me meus ad suos amores 16 193[The smart one will let a man forget] 17XI Furi et Aureli comites Catulli 20 193[The last flower] 21XII Marrucine Asini, manu sinistra 20 194[The gift of Fabullus and Veranius] 21XIII cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me 22 195[Bachelor Party] 23XlVa ni te plus oculis meis amarem 24 195[On the books of bad poets] 25XlVb si qui forte mearum ineptiarum 26 196[Fragment of an address to readers] 27XV commendo tibi me ac meos amores 26 196[To Aurelius] 27XVI pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo 28 196[To Aurelius and Fury] 29XVII o Colonia, quae cupis ponte ludere longo 28 196[A goat and a felled alder] 29XXI Aureli, pater esuritionum 30 197[Threats to Aurelius] 31XXII Suffenus iste, Vare, quern probe nosti 32 197[Suffen-poetist] 33XXIII Furi, cui neque servus est neque area 32 197[To Fury, begging for a hundred thousand sesterces] _ 33XXIV o qui flosculus es Iuventiorum 34 198[To Juventius] 35XXV cinaede Thalle, mollior cuniculi capillo 36 198[To the thief Thall] 37XXVI Furi, villula vestra non ad Austri 36 199[Monster wind] 37XXVII minister vetuli puer Falerni 38 199[“Old Man” Falern and water] 39XXVIII Pisonis comites, cohors inanis 38 199 [To Veranius and Fabullus] 30XXIX quis hoc potest videre, quis potest pati 40 200 [About fattening Mamurre] 41XXX Alfene immemor atque unanimis false sodalibus 42 201 [To Alfen] 43XXXI pa ene insularum, Sirmio, Insularumque 42 202[Lake Sirmion] 43XXXII amabo, mea dulcis Ipsitilla 44 202[To Ipsitilla] 45XXXIII about furum optime balneariorum 44 202[To the bath thief Vibennius] 45XXXIV Dianae sumus in fide 44 203[Hymn of Dia not] 45XXXV poete tenero, meo sodali 46 203 [To the graceful poet Caecilius] 47XXXVI annales Volusi, cacata carta 48 204 [Annals of Volusius and vow] 49XXXVII salax taberna vosque contubernales 50 204 [Rabbly tavern] 51XXXVIII male est, Cornifici, tuo Catullo 52 2 05[To Cornificius] 53XXXIX Egnatius, quod candidos habet dentes 52 205[Ignatius with snow-white teeth] 53XL quaenam te mala mens, miselle Ravide 54 207[To Ravid, starting a quarrel] 55XLI Ameana puella defututa 54 207[Ameana and ten thousand sesterces] 55XLII adeste, hendecasyllabi, quot estis 56 207[How to address women] 57X LIII salve , dog minimo puella naso 56 207[A century not experienced in understanding beauty] 57XLIV o funde noster seu Sabine seu Tiburs 58 207[Bad writings and colds] 59XLV Acmen Septimius suos amores 60 208XLVI iam ver egelidos refert tepores 62 208[Travel] 63XLVII Porci et Socration, duae sinistrae 62 208[Left hands of Piso] 63XLVIII mellitos oculos tuos, Iuventi 62 209[Honey eyes of Juventia] 63XLIX disertissime Romuli nepotum 64 209[To Marcus Tullius Cicero] 65L hesterno, Licini, die otiosi 64 210[To Licinius ] 65LI ille mi par esse deo videtur 66 210[He seems like a god to me...] 67LII quid est, Catulle? Quid moraris emori? 68 211[Epigram on Nonia and Vatinius] 69LIII risi nescio quem modo e corona 68 211[Eloquent toddler] 69LIV othionis caput oppido est pusillum 68 211[Epigram on the emperor's retinue] 69LV oramus, si forte non molestum est 68 212[By lawsuits Cameria ( 1)]. LVIIIb non custos si f ingar ille Cretum 72 213[Search for Cameria (2)] 73LIX bononiensis Rufa Rufulum fellat 74 214[The Fall of Bonon Rufa] 75LX num te leaena montibus Libystinis 74 214[Are you born of a lioness...] 75[Libellus secundus] 76 [Part Two] 77LXI collis o Heliconii 76 214[Epithalamium for the wedding of Manlius Torquatus...] 77LXII Vesper adest, iuvenes, consurgite 94 217[Epithalamium (2)] 95LXIII super alta vectus Attis celeri rate maria 98 217[Epillius "Attis"] 99LXIV Peliaco quondam prognatae vertical 7[Berenice's Scythe] 135LXVII Dulci Iucunda Viro, Iucunda Parenti 140 230 [conversation with the door] 141LXVIIIIA QUOD MIHI FORTUNA Oppressus Aceerbo 230 [to manlia, the story of Katullah about life and brother] 145LXVIIIB Pop POSSUSUM RETICERE, DE ae, qua me allius 146 [Cupid fluttering in the chambers lovers] 147LXIX noli admirari quare tibi femina nulla 154 156 233[Love is burning , but the warmth has gone from love] 157LXXIII desine de quoquam quicquam bene velle mereri _ 156 233 [On human ingratitude] 157LXXIV Gellius audierat patruum obiurgare solere 158 234 [Epigram on Helius and his uncle] 159LXXV(+87) hue est mens deducta tua me a , Lesbia, culpa 158 234 [The duality of love] 159LXXVI siqua recordanti benefacta prior voluptas 158 234 [A prayer to the gods to tear out the infection of love from the heart] 159LXXVII Rufe, mihi frustra ac nequiquam credite amice 160 234 [Epigram on Rufus, who betrayed a friend] 161LXXV III Gallus alphabet fratres, quorum est lepidissima coniunx 160 234[Epigram on Gallus] 161LXXVIIIb sed nunc id doleo, quod purae pura puellae 162 234[Curse on the dirty seducer of a girl] 163LXXIX Lesbius est pulcer. Quid ni? quem Lesbia malit 162 235[Lesbian is handsome] 163LXXX quid dicam, Gelli, quare rosea ista labella 162 235[Epigram on Gellius] 163LXXXI nemone in tanto potuit populo esse, Iuventi 164 235[Epigram on Juventius] 165LXXXII Quinti , si tibi vis oculos debere Catullum 164 235[To Quintius, with a plea for his beloved] 165LXXXIII Lesbia mi praesente viro mala plurima dicit 164 235[Well, isn’t Lesbian a donkey?] 165LXXXIV “chommoda” dicebat, si quando “commoda” vellet 164 236[How the Ionian Sea turned in Chioni] 165LXXXV odi et amo. quare id faciam fortasse requiris 166 236[I hate and love] 167LXXXVI Quintia formosa est multis. mihi Candida, longa _ 166 236[Quintia and beauty] 167LXXXVII nulla potest mulier tantum se dicere amatam 166 237LXXXVIII quid facit is, Gelli, qui cum matre atque sorore 168 237[Epigram on Gellius] 169LXXXIX Gellius est tenuis: quid ni? cui tarn bona mater 168 237[Epigram on the thinness of Gellius] 169ХС nascatur magus ex Gelli matrisque nefando 170 237[Prediction of the birth of a magician by Gellius] 171XCI non ideo, Gelli, sperabam te mihi fidum 170 237[To Gellius, who betrayed his friend] 1XCII Lesbia mi dicit semper male dog tacet umquam 170 237[Lesbia scolds, which means she loves] 171ХСШ nil nimium studeo, Caesar, tibi velle placere 172 238[Epigram on Caesar] 173XCV Mentula moechatur. Moechatur mentalula? 172 238[Epigram on Mentulu] 173XCV Zmyrna mei Cinnae nonam post denique messem 172 238[On the poem “Smyrna” by Cinna] 173XCVb parva mei mihi sint cordi monimenta 172 239[Fragment on small monuments of experiences] 173XCVI si quicquam mutis gratum acceptumve sepulcris _ 174 239[To Calvus, grieving over the death of his wife] 175XCVII pop (ita me di ament) quicquam referre putavi 174 239 [Epigram on Emilius] 175XCVIII in te, si in quemquam, dici pote, putide Victi 174 239 [Epigram on Victius] 175XCIX surripui tibi, dum ludis, mellite Iuventi 176 240 [To Iuventius about the stolen kiss e] 177С Caelius Aufillenum et Quintius Aufillenam 176 240[To Caelius about the torment of love of the youth of Verona] 177CI multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus 178 240[Visiting the brother's grave] 179SP si quicquam tacito commissum est fido ab amico 178 240[To Cornelius] 179СШ aut sodes mihi redde decern sistertia, Silo 178 241[Address to the pimp Silo] 179CIV credis me potuisse meae maledicere vitae? 180 241[Is it possible to insult your beloved?] 181CV Mentula conatur Pipleium scandere montem 180 241[Mentula climbed Pimple Mountain] 181CVI cum puero bello praeconem qui videt esse 180 241[Handsome boy near the herald] 181CVII si quicquam cupido optantique opt igit umquam _ 180 241 [Lesbia is back!] 181CVIII si, Comini, populi arbitrio tua cana senectus 182 241[To Cominius, who awaits the people's punishment] 183CIX iucundum, mea vita, mihi proponis amorem 182 242[On the sacred union of love] 183CX Aufillena, bonae semper laudantur amicae 182 242[To Aufillena, who did not keep her promise] 183CXI Aufillena, viro contentam vivere solo 184 242[Epigram to Aufillena] 185CXH multus homo es, Naso, neque tecum multus 184 242[Epigram on Naso] 185CXIII consule Pompeio primum duo, Cinna? solebant _ 184 242[To Cinna, about the depraved Mecilla] 185CXIV Firmanus saltu non falso Menrula dives 184 242[Epigram on Mota Mentula] 185CXV Mentula habet instar triginta iugera prati 186 243[The rich man Mentula shows the fig] 187CXVI saepe tibi studioso animo venante requirements 186 243[To Gellius attacking Catullus] 187Notes 188Translator's comment 244Rhythm tableAppendices 263Biography of Catullus 264Poetic heritage of Catullus 267List of Roman consuls from 300 to 31. BC e. 269 About the list of consuls placed below 270 [List of consuls] 272 Glossary of “speaking surnames” and nicknames in the list 295 State structure of Rome 299 Political and cultural events in Rome in the era of Catullus 302 About the religion of the ancient Romans 319 About scientific ideas of the Romans at the time of Catullus 342Maps 349ADDITION: Catullus in translations of Russian poets 351III: “lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque...” 353A.I.Bukharsky. “Cry, Graces, Cupids...” 353A.Kh.Vostokov. “Grieve, Cupids and Graces...” 354 N.V. Gerbel. To the death of a sparrow (“Cry, Graces, with me...”) 355V.Ya.Bryusov. “Cry, all Venus and all Eros...” 356 A.I. Piotrovsky. “Cry, Venus, and you, Joys, cry!” 356S.V.Shervinsky. “Cry, O Cupids and Venuses...” 357VII: “quaeris, quot mihi basiationes...” 358A.A.Fet. To Lesbia (“Come live and love, oh Lesbia, with me!..”) 358 F.E. Korsh. “We, Lesbia, will live while we are alive...” 359 A.I. Piotrovsky. To Lesbia (“We will live and love, my friend!..”) 359 S.V. Shervinsky. To Lesbia. About kisses. (“Let us, Lesbia, live loving each other!..”) 360XXVII: “minister vetuli puer Falerni...” 361AS.Pushkin. To the boy (“Drunk with the bitterness of Falerna...”) 361A.A.Fet. To the servant boy (“Falerna of the old, servant boy, to us...”) 361S.V. Shervinsky. “Boy, dispose of the old falernos...” 362 A.I. Piotrovsky. “Bitter moisture of old Falernus...”XXXIV: “Dianae sumus in fide...” 362A.A.Fet. “We are under the protection of Dianina...” 362 A.I. Piotrovsky. Hymn to Diana. (“Diana’s cover protects us...”) 363 S.V. Shervinsky. “We are guarded by Diana...” 364LXXXV: “odi et amo. quare id faciam fortasse requiris...” 365A.A.Fet. “Even though I hate it, I love it. Why? - perhaps you’ll ask...” 365F.E.Korsh. “Love and hatred boil in my soul...” 365 S.V. Shervinsky. “Hate - and love. How can you feel them together?..” 366Zgaday-Seversky. “I hate and love...” A.I. Piotrovsky. "Yes! I hate it and yet I love it. How is it possible, you ask?..” 366 V.F. Bryusov. “Yes, you can love while hating...” 366LXXXVI: “Quintia formosa est multis, mihi Candida, longa...” 367F.E. Korsch. “Many people consider Quintia to be a beauty...” 367 S.V. Shervinsky. “Quintias celebrate beauty. For me, she is snow-white...” 368A.I.Piotrovsky. Lesbia is the most beautiful of all. “Quinthia is famous for being beautiful. And I’ll call her slender...” 368Brief information about the authors of the translations 369
Data sheet
- Name of the Author
- Гай Валерий Катулл
- Language
- Russian
- Translator
- Ольга Славянка