A "trauma and healing" are fundamental text about understanding of people outliving a psychological trauma. Placing individual experience in more wide политичес...
A generation is a "sandwich" - it those, to whom now there are 45-60 - is between two generations, junior and senior. One is yet necessary to help, other already needs пом...
This book is the real encyclopaedia of intermingling with a client. The author of book, known practicing doctor-psychotherapist Г. В. Старшенбаум, offers a fivestep with...
Interesting approach about that you did not know. East to wisdom of numbers carry much information, and at times, knowing it, we can understand all what be going on with us and.
Andrey Лоргус - practicing psychologist, author of books and publications, chancellor of Institute of christian psychology is invites us to conversation about men, about masculine.
Know - manipulate constantly by you, you freely or involuntarily swallow the bait of people with that, maybe, you are not even acquainted! Hundreds of кукловодов of манипули...
This book will teach you to know a liar according to the first stories - on mimicry, gestures, intonation, to understand veritable reasons of your interlocutor, and you nobody.
Book on that, who such people, that does move by them, why are people bad, there are people good?.Why does someone have success always, and someone unlucky person?.Why eats...
Paradox. he is, he exists, simply not everybody gives it a large value.People do not want to be set by questions, why for them something in life happened and...
This book is for those who have experienced sexual abuse, or want to understand the issue in order to protect themselves and loved ones.
Rape is a heinous crime...
The lack of ability to read the emotions of people results in quarrels, protracted dissatisfaction, offenses, broad patterns and insolvent transactions. All of it can be avoided,.