"Capelli biondi" is a fascinating novel by the Italian writer Salvatore Farina, which tells a story of love and devotion. In this book, the reader will dive int...
"Sword of Fire" is an exciting adventure that tells about incredible discoveries and dangerous adventures. This novel, written by Antonio Giulio Barrili, transp...
"Foscolo, Manzoni, Leopardi: Essays. In addition to the Pre-Raphaelites, Symbolists and Aesthetes, as well as the literature of the future" is an interesting st...
"A gypsy's journey across the lakes and the Alps. Lake Azure, Ossola, Frois and Gris" is an exciting book by the Italian writer Valentino Carrera, which tells a...
"Vecchie Storie" is a collection of stories by the Italian writer Emilio De Marchi, which immerses the reader in the atmosphere of an old Italian family. Each s...
"La rovina" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Angelo Silvio Novaro. The book tells about complex relationships in a family, which fall into a whirlpool...
The book "A Heroic Family from Brescia - A Proud Crime and a Proud Revenge" by the Italian writer Paolo Bettoni is a fascinating historical drama about the tria...
"Lucrezia Borgia according to the documents and correspondence of the time" - a book written by the eminent historian Ferdinand Gregorovius, reveals the life an...
The book "Dream" by Matilda Serao is a novel about love, loss and betrayal. The main character, a young woman with a difficult past, is looking for her place in...
"Leda without a Swan" is a poignant and powerful love story by the famous Italian writer Gabriele D'Annunzio. In this novel, he reveals the theme of passionate ...
"Il Re Burlone: A Drama in 4 Acts" by Gerolamo Rovetta is a classic work of Italian literature that transports the reader to an exciting world of intrigue, ball...
"Opere, Volume Secondo: scritti critici e letterari" is a collection of works and critical articles by the Italian poet and writer Giovanni Berket. This book co...