"The Siege of Rome" is a historical novel by the Italian writer Francesco Domenico Guerratzi, which really reproduces the events of the siege of Rome by the Fre...
"La disfatta" is a historical novel by the Italian writer Alfredo Oriani. The book tells about the events of the First World War and its consequences through th...
"L'eresia nel Medio Evo" is a study of the history of the development of religious beliefs among the peoples of Europe in the Middle Ages. The author of the boo...
"Zanna Bianca" is an exciting adventure written by the American writer Jack London. This book tells the story of a faithful dog named Zanna Bianca, who lives am...
"History of Italians, volume 14 (of 15)" is part of the huge historical work of the Italian historian Cesare Canturi, dedicated to the formation and development...
"Springboard to the stars: Three dialogues and two stories" is a collection of the famous Italian writer Lucio D'Ambra, where the author gave readers a unique o...
"Liberty" is a famous essay treatise by the philosopher and politician John Stuart Mill. In this book, the author examines the concept of freedom in various sph...
"Chronicles of Italy in the Middle Ages" is an important work of the Italian historian Ugo Balzani, which tells about the history of Italy in medieval times. Th...
"XII conti pomiglianesi con varianti avellinesi, montellesi, bagnolesi, milanesi, toscane, ecc." - is a work by the Italian writer Vittorio Imbriani, in which t...
"Architecture of Como" is a book by the Italian author Vittorio Treves dedicated to the study of the architectural heritage of the island of Como in Lombardy. I...
"Reflections on Death" is a philosophical treatise by the Italian poet and writer Gabriele D'Annunzio. In his book, the author explores the topic of death throu...
"The light and emotionally stirring book "A Carriage for All" by Edmond de Amicis transports us to the times of the early 20th century, when Italian society was...