"The Shores of Bormida in 1794" is a historical novel by the Italian writer Giuseppe Cesare Abba. The book tells about the events of the French Revolution in Pi...
"Commentary on the Divine Comedy and other works on Dante, Volume 1" is an unforgettable book by the outstanding Italian literary critic, poet and writer Giovan...
"Novelle lombarde" is a collection of Italian short stories of the 15th century, the author of which is Avancini Avancini. Each of the novels tells about the li...
"Tickling Milanese brat" is a fascinating book by the Italian writer Carolina Invernizzio. The main character, Yana, is at a crossroads in her life when her fam...
"Compendium of Physiological Chemistry" is an important scientific work of the famous author A. Cominelli, which investigates chemical processes occurring in li...
"The Mystery of Matteo Arpione: Aristocracy II" is a fascinating book by the Italian writer Vittorio Bersezio. In this book, go on an incredible journey into th...
"The Italian writer Arturo Graf in his book "Il Diavolo" embodied an exciting story about intrigue, betrayal and mysticism. The main character, a young aristocr...
"Ricordanze" is a book by the famous Italian poet Mario Rapisardi, which is a true masterpiece of poetry. In his poems, the author praises and remembers the mos...
The book "The Plague of Milan 1630" by the author Giuseppe Ripamonti is a documentary masterpiece that reveals the terrible plague epidemic that covered the cit...
"The Legend of Saladin" is an exciting book from the famous author tandem of Paris and Gaston Bruno Paulin. This work tells about the great warrior and wise lea...
"The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Puppet" is a famous children's work by the Italian writer Carlo Collodi, which tells about the extraordinary...