"Empty Mouth: A Drama in Three Acts" is a famous work by the Italian writer Anna Vivanti. In this play, the author depicts the complex relationships of the thre...
"On the Threshold of Italy" is an exciting novel by the famous Italian writer Edmondo De Amikis. The book tells about the adventures and impressions of the main...
"History of the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages, Volume 7 (of 16)" is a significant work of the famous Swiss historian and economist Jean-Charles-Leonard S...
"Egypt" by Manfredo Cagna is a fascinating book that tells about the majestic and mysterious history of this ancient country. The author explores in detail vari...
"Al di là" is a novel by the Italian writer Alfredo Oriani, which reveals the love story of two young hearts in opposition to social norms and their own beliefs...
La Giovine Italia is a political program written in 1831 by the Italian publicist and revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini. In his book, the author presents the idea ...
"In Egypt: Hunting the Jackal" is an exciting adventure book by Lessona Michele, in which the author tells about a journey to ancient Egypt. The main plot of th...
"Walks in Italy, Volume 5" is a book by the famous historian and writer Ferdinand Gregorovius, which is the fifth part in the author's series of travel narrativ...
"History of the Essenes: Lessons" is a study of the Jewish religious sect of the Essenes, written by the famous Italian philosopher and rabbi Elia Benamozeg. In...
"The Dead and the Living" is a fascinating novel by the Italian writer Enrico Panzacchi, which emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and the ...
"The History of the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages" is the third volume of the great work of the outstanding historian and economist Jean-Charles-Leonard ...
"History of the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages, Volume 5" is an important source for understanding the political and socio-cultural processes in Italy dur...