"The Conquest of Rome" is a fascinating historical novel by the Italian writer Matilda Serrao. The book tells about an outstanding stage in the history of the R...
"The Secret Book" is an exciting novel by the famous Italian writer Antonio Gislanzoni. In this book, the author tells the story of a mysterious manuscript that...
"The Year of 1859 from Plombier to Villafranca" is a book by the Italian writer Alfredo Panzini, in which he talks about the events of 1859, which is important ...
"On the Window: Stories" is a collection of fascinating short stories by the Italian writer Enrico Castelnuovo. In his works, the author reveals the complexity ...
"The Betrothed" is an epic novel by the Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni, which has become one of the age-old masterpieces of world literature. This book depic...
"La Madonna di Mamà: A novel from the time of war" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Alfredo Panzini, which transports the reader to the times of war. ...
"The Art of Debt Collection" is a book written by the famous Italian writer Antonio Gislanzoni. In this work, the author reveals the difficult business art - th...
"False Glory" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Vittorio Imbriani. The book tells about the search for the meaning of life and the way to success in th...
"The Battle for the Sicilian Vespers. Volume 2. The Age of Sicilian Stories of the XIII Century" is the second part of Michele Amari's fascinating historical no...
"Danza Macabre" by Anton-Traversi and Camillo is an exciting novel that transports the reader to the world of mystical events and unusual circumstances. Mysteri...
"History of the Italian Republics of the Middle Ages, Volume 6" is an important study created by the eminent French historian and economist Jean-Charles Leonard...
"Cristina" by Matilda Serrao is a fascinating story about a young woman from a rural town who seeks to escape from the pressures of traditional society and find...