Writer-classic, writer-riddle, on the peak of career declaring a care from literature and settling far from mundane temptations in deaf American провинц...
This novel is pearl of Chinese classic prose. He is written more than three hundred years back and became inalienable part of world culture. Historical kernel of plot...
Small work "Interpretation on the 50th psalm" of beatific Феодорита, bishop Кирского (373-466), is self-control from his large labour "Interpretation on...
They entered American paradise, as shadows. People burn a fire Second world. Fugitives from all ends of Europe, losing the past.Невротичная beautiful woman of манеке...
"Frank Каупервуд during the protracted fight in Chicago for proceeding in a concession yet on fifty years - fight that, despite all his efforts, kitty...
"Fifth Sally" written two years prior to famous "Mysterious history of Billy Миллигана" tells history of Салли Портер are waitresses from New York р...
A book was entered by the stories of А.П.Chekhov (1860-1904) "Steppe", "Chamber № 6", "Duel", "Boring history" of and other Reasons of melancholy of existence and oppressive.
Jack Керуак (Jean-Lewie Лебри de Керуак, 1922-1969) is a writer-epoch, writer-paradox, sowing wind and not having time clearly to know that pressed a storm not calming down...
A book was entered by brief and simplified text of fairy-tales of Л. of Carroll about a girl Alice, by wonderful character appearing in Wonderland and in the surprizing world of.
In 1845 a young poet made decision to enter the lists to the industrial society led away by pursuit after material values. He lined up to itself a house on бе...
Collection of fairy-tales of neapolitan writer and poet Джамбаттисты Базиле (1566-1632) - one of the brightest monuments of literature of the Italian baroque. Using with...