The collection includes some rare and mostly never-before-published science fiction works by Russian emigration writers, lost in the pages of emigrant period...
Palaeontological fiction is about lost worlds inhabited by dinosaurs and the distant ancestors of modern humans. These are exciting journeys through the abys...
Palaeontological fiction is about lost worlds inhabited by dinosaurs and the distant ancestors of modern humans. These are exciting journeys through the abys...
The collection “The Black Book” includes popular and popular “horrible”, occult and adventure works - from books of the first half and the end of the 19th ce...
“The Shadow Behind the Trench” is the second volume of a unique anthology of mystical propaganda fiction from the era of the First World War. The vast majori...
“The Mysterious in War” is the third, additional volume of the unique anthology of mystical and propaganda fiction of the era of the First World War. The vas...
Palaeontological fiction is about lost worlds inhabited by dinosaurs and the distant ancestors of modern humans. These are exciting journeys through the abys...
Horn of Terror: Stories and Tales about Bigfoot. Volume I. Comp. and comm. M. Fomenko. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - B.m.: Salamandra P.V.V., 2014. - 352 pp...