"The Toynbee Convector" is a science fiction novel by the English writer John Lake. This book tells the story of Henry Toynbee, a scientist who invents a unique...
After a bad breakup, Mary takes her son Selian out of school and leaves the suffocating gray of Paris for Ven, a tiny island in the Baltic Sea. Where Renaiss...
If you need general information about dogs or want to choose the right breed for yourself, you won’t find a better consultant than the encyclopedia Gino Pugn...
The first book about Angelica, which has become a classic of the genre of love-historical novel, tells about the youth of the beautiful heroine, about her fi...
The heroes of Svetlana Petrova’s story are middle-aged people; their youth was spent under Soviet rule, which, as you know, taught to “dream about a wonderfu...
Ralph is the big guy and the real bad guy from the old arcade game. For thirty years now, all he has been doing is destroying the houses of his neighbors, an...
Three childhood friends who grew up in an orphanage have no idea what trials fate has in store for them. Roman, the hero of the second book, goes to the moun...
When Jasper was sent to the Monster House reform school for troubled children (and after he filled the car of the headmaster of the previous school with garb...
Jasper spent several months at the Monster House school, and, surprisingly, he even began to like it here. Finally, the time has come for the main test: a mo...
A young provincial artist is experiencing a creative crisis, and the personal life of the “handsome man” is not going well. He ends up in Professor Sidorov’s...