In Pagford, local councilor Barry Fairbrother died suddenly at the age of forty-five. This event shocked the townspeople. In a provincial English town with a...
“Not just a novel about music, but a musical novel. The story is told in three parts, merging like a triad" (The Times). For the first time in Russian - the ...
If you need general information about dogs or want to choose the right breed for yourself, you won’t find a better consultant than the encyclopedia Ginno Pug...
If you need general information about dogs or want to choose the right breed for yourself, you won’t find a better consultant than the encyclopedia Ginno Pug...
The anthology features contemporary Swiss authors writing in German, French, Italian and Romansh languages, as well as dialects. The themes of the plays, equ...
The book includes two stories by the great Ray Bradbury, work on which took place over more than half a century. The story “Somewhere There’s an Orchestra Pl...
Yesterday Tom was an ordinary boy, and now the blood and magic of his mentor, the tiger-sorcerer, flows in his veins. They are still hunted by the terrible C...
And a quick glance thrown into the abyss is enough to lose oneself in it, but Delphine de Vigan decided to take this step in order to find answers to the mos...
Chinese influence on the material and spiritual life of the modern world is becoming increasingly noticeable, but residents of other countries still know alm...
A science fiction writer who has crossed the boundaries of the genre, a bold experimenter, an outstanding master of world prose, the author of such textbook ...
Francis Scott Fitzgerald, who heralded the beginning of a new century to the world - the “Jazz Age”, stands apart in modern American classics. Hemingway wrot...
Jamil Zaki, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, has been researching empathy for more than a decade. He argues that empathy can and should be c...