The heroes of this intricate detective story are Stas Brykin, district police officer Menkin, his granddaughter Mashenka, Grigory Molodtsov, nicknamed Supero...
Solving riddles is a fun activity! And in the strange message that falls into the hands of inseparable friends Dimka and Romka, there are plenty of mysteries...
The heroine of the novel, Maya Fox, suddenly discovered that she has the ability to communicate with the other world. She is given only five days to cope wit...
Kharkov was not called “the damned place of the Red Army” for nothing. During the Great Patriotic War, the heaviest battles for this city cost us enormous ca...
Day passes by day, and Kyle Zeus still has not found the key to solving the mystery. There were 1,490 days left before the fulfillment of the prophecy of the...
The famous French writer Boris Vian was also known as an inventor, songwriter and jazz performer, journalist, screenwriter, and critic. These activities woul...
These essays have undergone a number of metamorphoses. They were first given as lectures at the Eranos Meetings of 1966, 1968 and 1969, then expanded, revise...
“A collection of excellent articles, powerfully and freely written by high-class professionals, answers many questions: what is classical psychodrama in Euro...
What is love? Lust, whim, play, passion, all-encompassing and inscrutable? The works included in the book are united not only by a similar title and - as the...
What is love? Lust, whim, play, passion, all-encompassing and inscrutable? The works included in the book are united not only by a similar title and - as the...
What is love? Lust, whim, play, passion, all-encompassing and inscrutable? The works included in the book are united not only by a similar title and - as the...
Catania native Ottavio Cappellani, a writer, journalist and songwriter for the rock band in which he plays, writes a daily column for the newspaper Sicilia a...