Starting from antiquity, fable and epigram side by side made an amazing centuries-long marathon. Having reached France, they took one of the most honorable places on this Olympus. Back in the 15th century, Villon composed his famous epigrammatic epitaph. The epigram and fable were truly discovered for the French by Clément Marot, who continued old traditions in poetry and combined them with new trends. In the next 17th century, La Fontaine became the best fabulist of all times and peoples, and the great playwrights Racine and Corneille and the satirist Boileau surpassed everyone in the epigram. In the 18th century, the golden age of the French epigram, Voltaire, J.-B. Rousseau, Piron, and the honor of the fable was defended by Florian; in the 19th century, Ecuchard-Lebrun was not inferior to the wits of the past; Antoine Arnault found new moves in the fable; In the 20th century, the greatest poet Apollinaire presented several weighty witticisms, and the luminary of drama, Jean Anouilh, published a whole book of his innovative fables. Both genres, fable and epigram, are recognized as pearls of French literature.


Data sheet

Name of the Author
Александр Поп
Александр Пушкин Сергеевич
Альфред Мюссе Де
Венсан Вуатюр
Виктор Гюг
Гийом Аполлинер
Гюстав Флобер
Дени Дидро
Жан-Батист Руссо
Жан-Жак Руссо
Жан-Пьер Флориан Клари де
Жан Мольер Батист
Клеман Маро
Луи Антуан Сен-Жюст
Мадлен де Скюдери
Маргарита Наваррская
Мари-Жозеф Шенье
Марк-Антуан Сент-Аман Жирар де
Поль-Мари Верлен
Поль Скаррон
Пьер-Жан Беранже
Пьер Бомарше
Пьер Ронсар де
Франсуа VI Ларошфуко де
Франсуа Вийон
Франсуа Лермит
Франсуа Рабле
Фёдор Ростопчин Васильевич
Шарль Нодье
Шарль Перро
Эварист Парни
Эжен Скриб
Владимир Ефимович Васильев


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French fable and epigram

Starting from antiquity, fable and epigram side by side made an amazing centuries-long marathon. Having reached France, they took one of the most honorable p...

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