To the offered edition modern determinations of basic terms and concepts are driven in accordance with the on-line tutorial of course the "International law" for высш...
A course the "World of logic" puts the task to teach children to skills of basic cogitative operations : to compare, classify, give determinations, build умозак...
Course the "World of fantasy" can be studied in 3 classes of general establishments within the framework of division of ФГОС НОО "Extracurricular activity at initial school" (of.
In a manual the program and detailed developments of employments are presented on a course the "World of riddles", that acquaints children with the surrounding world through.
In a учебно-методическом manual the detailed analysis of literary data of the Russian-language and English-language authors is presented through question of organization of.
A учебно-методическое manual contains the executable code of course "History of animation", list of recommendable literature and methodical pointing on implementation course...
The system of biological formation of modern school, education and development of students in the process of educating, is examined in the manual offered for teachers,...
There are Lip (Russia) and doctors of pedagogical sciences in the учебно-методическом manual of authors of doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor В., professor А. Chair.
In a book, the author of that is an olympic champion, champion of Europe, world ex-record-holder, honoured master of sport, deserved trainer of the USSR, doctor of педаго...
In a book the system of correction-pedagogical work is presented on forming of cogitative activity of children with rejections in mental development. It is Given on...
The system of the didactic games and exercises, sent to development and correction of cognitive activity of children of preschool age, is presented in a manual. А...
A book opens to the reader the world of martial arts in all his displays: from a capture by elementary skills of self-defence to the very tall degrees internal self...