"Tao Te Ching" ("The Book of Truth and Power") by Lao Tzu is one of the greatest books of mankind along with the Bible, Torah, Koran and Bhagavad Gita, which determined the cont...
Attempts of the real constructing of the future of Russia are this necessary condition of maintenance of her life. A task is not in that, to build another model for пониман...
"Think as the Roman emperor" is the inspiring history of life of Mark Аврелия, attended with the practical examples of strategies and techniques of stoics. Когнитивный п...
Ivan Aleksandrovich Ильин is the Russian philosopher, writer and publicist, supporter of White motion and successive critic of communist power in Russia. He тя...
Why does modern humanity experience a spiritual crisis? Which are ways of exit from him? Which a role is in renewal of the spiritual beginning of human life of социа...
A book "Воля to power" went out already post mortem Nietzsche in a reconstruction, by undertaken his sister Е. Ферстер-Ницше and employees of archive (it is considered that from.
"Sovereign" Никколо Макиавелли - one of known and at the same time of ambiguous books on politics, and more precisely - about ideal character of political figure. ...
Иммануил Кант is the greatest philosopher of Western Europe, one of leading thinkers of epoch of Inlightening, founder of German classic philosophy, founder to...
Никколо Макиавелли devoted part of the life to government service. His experience and watching the methods of management of politicians became basis of treatise "Sovereign...
The inquisitive mind of journalist and curiosity of Frank Herbert presented a surprisingly carefully thought out and multi-layered novel to the world, getting the rank of the.
The Nirvana Upanishad (secret knowledge of liberation) is one of the 108 Upanishads of the canon presented in the Muktika Upanishad. It belongs to the Rig Veda and belongs to ...