"Calypso could calm down nothing on a separation with Улиссом. In sorrow she considered the immortality executing. A long ago already it was not heard songs in her cave, a long.
Last play of French комедиографа of Jean-cambric Мольера, in that he played the last role. Hero of comedy-ballet, Арган, - whether that domestic tyrant,...
A book contains six magic Spanish fairy-tales on different plots. Entertaining fairy-tales will allow to submerge you in the world of the bewitched giants and brave prince...
The action of the novel "Telemach" by the famous French writer, a native of an ancient noble family, Francois Fenelon (de Salignac, Marquis de la Mote Fenelon)...
In immortalizing the name of writer treatise "Sovereign" the Italian diplomat Никколо Макиавелли (1469-1527) describes character properties, abilities and methods in detail ...
A book contains ten magic Italian fairy-tales. Texts of fairy-tales are simplified and brief, accompanied by comments and exercises on understanding of read...
The "Italian folk tales" offered to the reader no less enthralling, what fairy-tales Russians. Dynamic plot, rich vocabulary and simple style, and also мно...
Nicholas Фламель, modest notary from poor family, became famous as a creator of philosophical stone and elixir of life. Legend has it that Nicholas during двад...
A book contains fifteen Italian fairy-tales. Texts of fairy-tales are simplified and brief, accompanied by comments and exercises on understanding of read, in to...
A myth about Narcissus became well-known due to Ovid. Anonymous poem of the XII century "Story about Narcissus" is base on Овидиевых "Metamorphoses", however среднев...
Gold book of Boethius, connecting an ancient melancholy on the wholeness of life with christian loyalty to truth, on many centuries became the standard of recital of results of.
The novel of the great French writer Francois Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel" is the largest monument of the French Renaissance. The book is built on a broad...