A science fiction superfan finds himself on his very own space adventure when he’s randomly selected to join an alien confederacy in this hilarious middle...
“The Tale of Genji” (“Genji-monogatari”), the greatest monument of Japanese and world literature, was created at the turn of the 10th – 11th centuries, durin...
Confucius... His name in Chinese sounds like Kun Tzu, and is translated as Sage Kun. He was a major thinker and scientist. His sayings are passed down orally...
Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires = Пять семей: Взлет, упадок и возрождение Самых могущественных м...
The book "Eternal Wisdom" is a recording of the sayings of Confucius made by his students and followers. At the age of 25, Confucius received public recognit...
The largest work of the outstanding Azerbaijani historian, philosopher, poet, dedicated to the history of Shirvan and Dagestan from ancient times to 1813. Wr...
This anthology presents the most significant works of Japanese classical literature (myths, legends, poetry, prose, drama) - milestones in the main developme...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, afford...
Abu Bakr Ar-Razi (865-925) great Persian-Tajik scientist-encyclopedist, doctor and philosopher, rationalist and freethinker. Razi's works were translated int...
HOJOKI (“Notes from a Cell”) is one of the literary and philosophical monuments of Japan. Dated 1212. “Notes” appeared before the reader in the form of a kin...
This book is a continuation of many years of work begun at the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1939 to create a complete academic translation into Russian of the...