The last book of classic of psychology ХХ is centuries of Carl Роджерса, written in co-authorship with Jerome Фрейбергом, sanctified to new ideology and politics of education,...
Psychological term "attachment" the last years became very popular. But what actually does stand after this word? Living article of conversation of author and ч...
From the first years of life of child parents mortgage foundation of his happy future. But how from the enormous amount of methodologies and systems of education to choose that,.
The new book of Carlos Гонсалеса is called to help parents to enjoy education and intermingling with children. Looks of doctor Гонсалеса to the health and воспи...
Real paternal encyclopaedia on all cases of life and, that not insignificantly, written with a humour. A book will be most useful to the parents of children preschool cartful...
A book is the complemented reediting of more early publication of author - candidate of psychological sciences is "Intermingling with a child: training of co-operation". Предс...
Doctor Сиэл Клэридж is child's psychologist, practicing buddhist and mother of nine children. Leaning against work experience and buddhistic education, doctor Клэ...
A child is not amorphous mass, and creature hiding in itself forces, equal to that not to find on all our planet. This secret in a child strength of mind, reason and sulphurs...
How is it correct to bring up a son without a father? It is undifficult. In fact in you and all is already stopped up in your child, that it is necessary for authentic happiness..
Ergotherapy is a modern direction of helping children with special needs. The goal of ergotherapy is to adapt the environment to the specific needs of a specific person...
Very often we avoid conversations with children on delicate themes, because we do not know how and when it is appropriate to be divided by such information.From this book you.