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Psychology, motivation
грн124.99 -10% Off грн112.49Collection was entered by two major works of the known philosopher and thinker of Russian foreignness И. А. Ильина (1883-1954) is the "Singing heart" and "About resistance to the.
грн185.78 -10% Off грн167.20Mooji is one of the wisest spiritual Masters currently living on our planet. He has great authority among all those who immersed themselves in the subject of the spiritual...
грн326.02 -10% Off грн293.42The book "Two Lives" is a mystical novel that is popular with people who are interested in the ideas of Theosophy and the Teachings of Living Ethics. This text was written by the.
грн116.49 -10% Off грн104.84The book contains conversations of Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh, which have never been published in Russian. Unlike many others, these conversations are addressed primarily ...
грн212.74 -10% Off грн191.47The book is dedicated to the modern practical numerological method "Mirror Matrix of Fate", which will help the reader to open new horizons of knowledge about se...
грн107.08 -10% Off грн96.37The very nature of Christianity is joy; a believing person cannot be dull. And how good it is that there are authors who see this joy in everything - in litur...
грн76.50 -10% Off грн68.85The word "foolishness" in its original meaning is a spiritual and ascetic feat, the rejection of worldly goods and the behavior that is commonly called "reasonable". Such ...
грн53.16 -10% Off грн47.84This book is a special event in people's understanding of the Sermon on the Mount. During one of the most productive periods of his life, Johannes Müller (1864–1949) lived in the.
грн22.08 -10% Off грн19.87St. Gregory of Nyssa (335-394), a former bishop of the city of Nissa, made a significant contribution to the development of Christian philosophy. Saint Gregory of Nyssa was a.
грн26.87 -10% Off грн24.18Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908) is one of the most significant saints of Russia in recent times. During his earthly ministry, it was enough to write...
грн86.40 -10% Off грн77.76“The pillar of the Church, the great father and universal teacher, the Syrian prophet, the Syrian sun, spiritual philosopher and profound scholar, ornate lips and zither of the.
грн65.38 -10% Off грн58.84“This book presents John Paul II's reflections on some of the foundational experiences of his life. This work allows us to look at his spiritual...