In Jean-Anne Despres's novel The Third Woman, the twilight peace of a Gothic mansion in Chelsea South is disrupted by the appearance of a ghostly woman in wh...
A gloomy castle on the New England coast is illuminated by the glow of a bloody moon, foreshadowing destruction and death. Ancient legends about vampires and...
The novels offered to readers have not been published in Russia for many years. They are full of melodrama, and in some places they also contain elements of ...
“Night Stories” by the German writer, composer and artist E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776–1822), who created his own special aesthetics, is published in full in Russia...
The first volume of the Collected Works of E.-T.-A.Hoffmann (1776–1822) includes “Fantasies in the Manner of Callot” (1814–1819), which made him famous, the ...
The novel “The Serapion Brothers” by the famous German romantic writer E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776–1822) is a cycle of narratives united by the framing story of yo...
"Dance of the Dead" is an exciting thriller from the famous writer Stephen King. In this book, he tells the story of a small town in which unusual and terrible ...
"Knight Bertrand" is an exciting historical adventure that tells the story of the brave knight Bertrand, who goes in search of a faithful friend who was kidnapp...
"Magic hours" is a fairy-tale book that tells about the exciting adventures of the main character, who has temporal magical properties. Obsessed with the desire...
"Ghost Bride" is an exciting novel that combines elements of a mystical thriller and a nightmarish drama. The main character, young and pretty Eliza, becomes th...
A wealthy Oxford student, John Maltravers, a passionate lover of music, one day discovers, to his horror (not without a touch of curiosity, however), that an...
The English penchant for a good ghost story is well known. “As soon as five or six native English speakers gather round the fireplace on Christmas Eve, they ...