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Humanitarian and public sciences
грн129.32 -10% Off грн116.39The first volume reveals the history, artistic style and genre diversity of Ukrainian church architecture and monumental art. submitted by art critic...
грн19.59 -10% Off грн17.63This book is collection of fairy-tales, legends and historical stories of Romania, written in 19 century. All illustrations, and also cover, are reproduced with originally...
грн94.88 -10% Off грн85.39This book is addressed at once to three audiences - future journalists, deciding to devote to scientific journalism, wide public and those people that do н...
грн65.15 -10% Off грн58.64A book that you get on the hip contains all most important and necessary, that it is necessary to know to televisional correspondent at. There is an author on simple and clear.
грн149.03 -10% Off грн134.13I Elena Сахарова, journalist, writer, author of course on texts and author of blog @of elsaharova in Инстаграме. I believe by virtue of the personal histories and personal blogs..
грн58.59 -10% Off грн52.73It is worked out for accompaniment of course of internet-journalism - one of disciplines of общепрофессионального cycle within the framework of preparation of bachelors to.
грн39.33 -10% Off грн35.40We live in society that is named by the Most traditional going near the study of MASS-MEDIA, clearly dividing reality of society and медийный character of this реальност...
грн190.70 -10% Off грн171.63A book of the known German theorist of medias Siegfried Цилински (family. 1951) is this historical research of co-operation of technologies, art and science, in кото...
грн137.24 -10% Off грн123.52Subcastes is the new form of self-expression.you get on the hip clever, merry and carefully thought out incremental guidance for those, who wants to engage in subcasting, but ...
грн142.89 -10% Off грн128.60Alexander Амзин is a mediaconsultant, founder of web-site about medias "We and Жо : Media and Journalism", an author of textbook is "News internet-journalism", 10 over ...
грн190.69 -10% Off грн171.62A textbook is sanctified to history, theory and practice of home and foreign sporting journalism. Sport phenomenon as special type of sociocultural activity of ра...
грн200.26 -10% Off грн180.23The creative work of a journalist or advertiser on the Internet as a system of mass communications is considered. The book is addressed to those who would like to do both...