"Distruzione: Poema Futurista" is a poetic and philosophical attempt to embody the ideas and principles of futurism in a literary work. The book's author, Filip...
"Thieves of Peace" is a book written by the Italian writer Arturo Bianchi, which tells the story of mysterious crimes that take place in a small Italian town. T...
"La Cynthia" is a masterpiece of the Italian poet and writer Giambattista della Porta, who is known for his exquisite poetry of the Renaissance. In this book, h...
"Mentana and the Finger of God. Episodes Told by the Survivor Itor Pozzi - Second Edition with Important Additions by the Author" is a book written by Ernesto P...
"Cantoni: The Volunteer" is a book by the Italian politician and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, in which he tells about his adventures while participating in...
"The corsair novel "Castel Gavone: Storia del secolo XV" by Antonio Giulio Barrili takes us to the fascinating Middle Ages. The prosperity and demise of great k...
"La favorita del Mahdi by Emilio Salgari tells the story of a young woman named Amina who falls into the captivity of the magical Mahdi, the leader of the Sudan...
*L'Olimpia* is a book by the Italian writer Giovannibattista della Porta, which combines elements of a historical novel and philosophical prose. In this book, t...
"Documenti Umani" is an impressive book by the Italian writer Federico De Roberto, which makes the reader think about the complex aspects of human existence. In...
"Journey to the North Pole, made in 1799 by Mr. Knight Giuseppe Acherbi" is an exciting book that opens up to the reader a unique world of distant journeys in a...
"The Rights of the Soul" is a philosophical book by the Italian author Giuseppe Giacosa, which invites the reader on a journey into the world of the inner self....
"I Dreams of an Anarchist" is a book written by the Italian writer Ugo Mioni, known for his expressive and philosophical-fantasy literature. In this novel, the ...