"Personal life and wandering in the East" is a book written by the famous Italian writer Cristina Belgioso, which takes the reader on an exciting journey into t...
"Memories: Diplomatic Edition from the Original Final Autograph" is a unique book by the Italian writer and politician Giuseppe Garibaldi. In this work, Garibal...
"Machiavelli. Three comedies: La mandragola, La Clizia, Belfagor"
"The collection of works of the famous Italian writer Niccolo Machiavelli combines three come...
The book "The Art of English Gardens" by Ercole Silva is a very interesting study of the architectural style of gardens that have become a symbol of English lan...
"In the book "Nella lotta" by the Italian writer Enrico Castelnuovo, the theme of struggle and revival is explored. The protagonist finds himself in difficult l...
"The Varedo Couple" is a tragic love story unfolding in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. The author Enrico Castelnuovo conveys the mental suffering o...
"Annuals of Italy, volume 6 from the beginning of the birth to the end of the XVIII century" is the sixth volume of the great historical work of Lodovico Antoni...
"Argentina as it is" is a book by Luigi Barzini, in which the author shares his observations and impressions from a trip to this wonderful South American countr...
The Ancient State of Lake Pusiano in Upper Milan: History, Nature and Culture - This publication explores the history, nature and cultural aspects of Lake Pusia...
"Christianity and the Religion of the Future" is an important book by the outstanding Italian figure Romulo Murri. The author examines the influence of Christia...
"Dal cellulare a Finalborgo" is a fascinating book by the Italian writer Paolo Valera, which tells about the unusual journey of a man on a motorcycle through It...
"Mafarca Futurist" is a shocking futuristic novel written by a collective of Italian avant-garde writers Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Salvatore Barzilai, Innokenz...