"A Horse on the Moon: Stories" is a collection of works by the famous Italian writer Luigi Pirandello. The book consists of a number of fantastic stories in whi...
The book "I Moncalvo" was written by the Italian writer Enrico Castelnuovo. This is an exciting historical drama that tells about the life and adventures of the...
"Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri is a masterpiece of world literature, which describes an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory and heavenly realms. In th...
"Purgatory" is the second part of the great epic "Divine Comedy" by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri. The work tells about the journey of Dante and his mentor V...
"Divine Comedy" is a huge cycle of poems by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, which consists of three parts: "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Paradise". "Heaven" (or "P...
The book "Guide to the organization and establishment of cooperative public dairy farms" by the author Carlo Bezan is an important source of information for tho...
"Semiramis: A Babylonian Story" by Antonio Giulio Barrili is a fascinating literary canvas in which the author tells about the life and reign of the legendary A...
The book "The Origin of the United States of America" by the author Mondaini Gennaro is a detailed study of the history of the formation and development of the ...
"Humor" by Luigi Pirandello is a collection of humorous stories that will amaze you with its originality and unexpected plots. The author skilfully combines liv...
"Il re dei re, volume 1. Convoy in the 11th century" is a fascinating historical prose by the Italian writer Ferdinando Petrucelli della Gattina, which will tra...
Fra Tommaso Campanella, Volume 1: His Plot, His Trials, and His Madness is a book written by Luigi Amabile about the life and work of the eminent Italian Domini...
"The Importance and Results of Poultry Crossbreeding" is a book written by the well-known expert in the field of animal husbandry, Pascal Teodoro. In this work,...