"The Bride of Menecla: A Comedy in a Prologue and Three Acts, with Notes" is a work by the Italian writer Felice Cavallotti, who is known for his sharp plots an...
"Romanian with a stranger's step: humorous stories" is a collection of terribly funny works by the Italian writer Iginio Hugo Tarchetti. Fairy-tale characters a...
"La carbonaria" is a work by the Italian writer Giambattista della Porta, which is distinguished by vivid images and an exquisite writing style. In this book, t...
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is a classic fairy tale that transports the reader to a world of fantasy and incredible adventures. The main...
"Tra cielo e terra: A novel" is a masterfully written work by the Italian writer Antonio Giulio Barrili. The book tells a love story intertwined with intrigue a...
"The Great Rival" is an exciting detective thriller from the famous Italian writer Luigi Gualdo. In this book, readers will find incredible mysteries, confusing...
"Ritratti letterari" is a collection of literary portraits of famous writers and poets, written by the outstanding Italian writer Edmondo De Amicis. In this boo...
"Filtered Sweets: A Monograph on the Filtration of Wine Musts and the Preparation of So-Called "Sweet Filtrates" and "Lambicats" by De Asti, Giuseppe, is a rese...
The book "Campaign of 1796 in Veneto. Part One: The Military Decline of Serenissima. Men and Weapons" by Eugenio Barbaric reveals the events in Italy at the end...
The book "Poetry and short stories in verse" by the author Ferdinando Fontana is a collection of lyrical works that impress with their depth of feelings and mas...
"Ugo: Scenes of the 10th century" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Ambrogio Bazzero, which takes us into the midst of war and political transformation...
The book "Myths, Legends and Superstitions of the Middle Ages, Volume II" by Arturo Graf is a study of folklore that transports the reader to the mysterious wor...