"Ah, as difficult to say goodbye! But to return sometimes yet more difficult".After four heavy years war made off finally. Эрнст and his front comrades I return...
Little novel that changed the face of modern recusant prose forever. Roman that opened the frightful theme of наркозависимости to the world - and the same отк...
Roman rendering serious influence on all American literature.The classics of the XX century.Deep South, what saw, knew, loved and hated him Фолкнер. Earth, where ...
My stepmother killed me, My father ate me. My dear sister I gathered my bones, Tied them into a handkerchief, And folded them under a tree. Chivik, chivik! What a glorious p...
A "theatre" is the known novel of Сомерсета Моэма.Thin, caustically-ironical history of brilliant, clever actress, marking the "crisis of middle of life" a novel with кра...
One of the known humorists in world literature, О. of Henry created the unique panorama of American life on the border of XIX - XX of centuries, in grotesque situations...
Roman "Богач, poor man" (1969), is keen history about the not simple fates of three children of Акселя Джордаха, whose roads go away post mortem father.Руди that...
"Steppe wolf" - one of above all novels of the XX century, first published in 1927. It and philosophical parable, and at the same time deep research of пс...
Novel of Stephen Цвейга (1881-1942) "Impatience of heart" is piercing history about unshared love.Tender and wonderful, but incurably sick Edith recklessly лю...
A "new remarkable novel of Писемского is not actually, as know now, probably, all Russian readers, history of the thousand souls of one small part of нашег...
Written yet in the end the XIX century, a book "Science of preparation and art of absorption of food" is a literary monument and one practical manual...
Billy wakes up and discovers that is in a prison chamber. It is reported him, that he is accused of raping and robbery. Billy is punch-drunk: he nothing эт...