"That inimitable Jeeves!" is a collection of episodes from the life of Bertram Wooster and his butler Jeeves. A friend who always falls in love with new girls, auntie...
What is the main nightmare of Bertie Wooster's life? Of course, aunts! So this time, Aunt Dahlia interrupted his serene existence and dragged him to a rural im...
The novel by W. Collins "The Woman in White" rightfully occupies one of the prominent places among the best examples of English literature of the nineteenth century. Love and.
Rilke's creative heritage is unique in its versatility, in its contradiction to the era: in the difficult times of revolutions and the First World War, he wrote about est...
The publication includes two of the writer's most famous collections of short stories - "The Winner Gets Nothing" and "Men Without Women". If you are a fan of Heming's work...
For more than a hundred years, the novel "The Gadfly" has been exciting many generations of readers, but it was met in different ways. Puritan England treated him with restraint..
"The Diary of a Stranger" by Jean Cocteau is not a classic memoir or diary, but deeply intimate and deeply philosophical reflections of the "herald of the new art"...
The story-parable "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is full of sharp sarcasm and political satire. The inhabitants of the farm personify the most terrible human vices, and...
“Where did this pearl come from? It was thrown from the second floor to bribe the gardener. Damn your women's tricks. Despite my supervision, searches, seizures, there is no end...
"Candide, or Optimism" is the most famous work of the philosopher, enlightener, famous wit Voltaire. A satire on contemporaries, created during the Semil...
"Terrible Children" is one of the key and most complex works of Cocteau, which literary scholars are arguing about to this day. The multi-layered and multi-level history of...