The famous story by N.V. Gogol from the Mirgorod cycle, in the creation of which the author widely used various historical sources: memoirs, annals, research ...
Roman "Red and black" is tragic history of course of life of Жюльена Сореля, dreaming about glory of Napoleon. Doing a career, Жюльен followed the холодн...
The "stormy" twentieth of past century.Time of chic evening-parties, "dry law" and "easy" money.These "new Americans" are sure that a bloom will be eternal...
Old "man and sea". A story is sanctified to "tragic stoicism": before cruelty of the world a man, even losing, must save a courage and достоинство.Автобио...
Two masterpieces of Альбера Камю - novel of "Tent" and play "Misunderstanding" are incorporated by the themes of freedom and choice, realizations by the man of own weakness before.
"Brilliance and poverty of courtesans" - one of the known novels of cycle the "Human comedy", sanctified to the secret side of life of swell parisian society. As...
Favourite Моруа epistolary genre, ascending to the epoch of classicism in that created "open" letter. and "Art of conversation", allows to the writer to give to...
In consciousness of western christians Christmas remains a main holiday. No wonder that the theme of Christmas is Christly got the richest development in European ис...
The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha is a famous novel by Miguel de Cervantes, written at the beginning of the 17th century. Without a doubt, the adventures of the.
"Hunger" (1890) - in a great deal autobiographic novel of Кнута Гамсуна, bringing world glory to the author. Frightful in the simplicity history young unrecognized пис...
Roman the "Little hostess of large house" is piercing history about a love triangle between the owner of ranch by Dick of Форрестом, his wife Паолой and friend of И...