The Harris-Ingram Experiment by Charles E. Bolton is an exciting sci-fi thriller detective story that tells the story of a groundbreaking experiment by two scie...
"Pee-wee Harris on the Water" is an exciting adventure from the author of Percy Keyes Fitzghue. The main character, Pee-wee Harris, goes on an unforgettable jou...
The book "The Life of Henry Grady as Interpreted by Joel Chandler Harris: Works and Speeches" tells about the life of the outstanding American journalist and pu...
James Ramsay's "Studies of God's Servant Mr. Harris Concerning the Legality of the Slave Trade" is an important work that brought attention to the biblical aspe...
"Elizabethan England from the book 'A Description of England' by William Harrison is a fascinating journey back in time to the ancient era of England. In this b...
The book "Speeches of Benjamin Harrison, the twenty-third president of the United States" is a collection of the most important and influential speeches of this...
"Pee-wee Harris" is a book written by the American writer Percy Keyes Fitzghue. This is an exciting story about the adventures of 13-year-old boy Pee-wee Harris...
The book "Joel Chandler Harris Project Gutenberg Index" is a collection of works by the famous American writer and journalist Joel Chandler Harris. This book co...
The book "Index of the Works of William Harrison Ainsworth in Project Gutenberg". This edition presents the works of the outstanding English writer and novelist...
"The Last Days of the Rebellion: The Second New York Cavalry (Harris' Light) at Appomattox Station and Appomattox Courthouse Between April 8 and 9, 1865" is a d...
"Peavy Harris in Happiness" is an exciting adventure book for children by the famous American writer Percy Keys Fitzhugh. In this book, readers will witness the...
The book "The Development of the Mind in Children, Part II: The Development of Intelligence" is an important study in the field of child psychology and pedagogy...