Discover the unique world of dying Mars and the fantastic adventures of the main character, John Carter. The first novel, “A Princess of Mars,” became a reco...
Paradise is an island in the Caribbean where the lights never go out and the flow of champagne never ends. The club is an elite organization where a select f...
Jonathan Reisman, MD, traveler, and naturalist, takes readers on a fascinating journey through our bodies. With unique insight, Reisman reveals how to diagno...
Katie Whittaker is a rich, capricious girl. She is willful, stubborn and dependent. And she is also unrequitedly in love with a completely inappropriate man ...
The work is devoted to a little-studied and painful issue in the history of Soviet-Polish relations. On a broad documentary basis, which is based on archival...
Cassie James, on instructions from her boss, goes to the United States to spy on billionaire Luke Broussard. She must find out if she can invest in Luke's co...
A bicycle courier arrives at the house of billionaire Dominique Legrand, in whom he recognizes his old friend Ellie. On the eve of this meeting, he breaks of...
Al Rees and Jack Trout, two of the world's most successful marketing strategists, draw on more than 40 years of marketing experience to define the definitive...
Grey's Anatomy is the longest-running medical drama on TV. The series has been running since 2005 and continues to break popularity records! Millions of view...
Very often we avoid conversations with children on delicate themes, because we do not know how and when it is appropriate to be divided by such information.From this book you.