"Camellia" is a classic novel by the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas-seigneur. This tragic love story tells the story of the young flirtatious courtesan Ma...
"Holiday Amusements; or, Endless Amusements for Christmas Stones, Containing the Most Amazing Tricks and Exciting Art of Conjuring; Interesting Experiments in V...
"Sam Lawson's Ancient Oldtown Stories with Illustrations" is a collection of charming and moving stories from the famous American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe. ...
The book Chemistry, Properties and Testing of Gemstones by John Mastin is a recognized authority on gemstones. In this book, the author analyzes in detail the c...
The book "Franklin Delano Roosevelt's fiery speeches. Radio broadcasts for the American people, broadcast from 1933 to 1944" is a collection of historical radio...
"Touchstone" is an exciting novel by the American writer Edith Wharton, which reveals the life of Lewis Drake, a successful businessman from New York, who sudde...
The book "1601: Social Stone Talks in Tudor Times" is a satirical work by the American writer Mark Twain. In the book, the author depicts a fictional dialogue b...
"Popular Pastimes for the Flame and Home, or Pastimes for Young and Old" is a book written by Carolina L. Smith that offers a wide variety of exciting and inter...
The book "The Rolling Stone" by the famous writer Beatty Mary Crocker is an exciting story about love, adventure and struggle with life's obstacles. The main ch...
"The Great Stone of Sardis" by Frank Stockton is an exciting adventure that will transport you to a world of mystery, adventure and mystery. The main character,...
Jake Adams finds himself in a Tunisian prison, being held for murdering an international terrorist who happens to be well connected in that country. When ...
The plague, like a tsunami, rolled its huge wave onto the Earth. The world will never be the same again. Africa and Australia are practically extinct. Southe...