"The Tale of the Azov Siege of the Don Cossacks" is a historical book written by Leonid Yuzefovich (Leonid Breida). In this masterpiece of prose, the author des...
"The Tale of Yuliania Lazarevska" is a work by the famous Ukrainian writer Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky, which amazes the reader with its depth and intrigue. The main c...
"The Tale of the Tver Monastery Youth" is a fascinating historical book written by the famous Russian writer Alexander Ostrovsky. This book tells about the adve...
The story of the ruin of Ryazan by Batu is a work of ancient Russian literature. Dedicated to the capture of Ryazan by the Mongol-Tatars in December 1237. Pr...
"The Tale of Ivan Novgorodsky's Journey on the Besy" is a fantastic masterpiece of Ukrainian literature that impresses with its uniqueness and unpredictability....
"The Life of Saint Sergius of Radonezh" is a book that tells the story of an outstanding figure of medieval Russia, the founder of the Sviatovashchensky monk an...
"THE LIFE OF OUR VENERABLE FATHER THEODOSIUS, ABBOT OF PECHERSKY" is a work that tells about the life and activities of an outstanding spiritual figure of Kyiva...
"The Life of Alexander Nevsky" is a historical book that tells about the great prince and saint of Russia - Alexander Nevsky. The author examines in detail the ...
"The Tale of Grief and Mischief, or How Grief-Mischief won a young man in a different service" is a fascinating tale that tells about the unusual fate of a youn...
"The story of a brat who manages to enter the paradise of God" is a book that tells about the incredible adventures of an ordinary brat on the way to perfection...
"The Tale of the Battle on the Kalka River" is a historical novel by Serhiy Zhadan, which recounts the events of the ancient battle between Prince Rurik and the...
The book "Fables and stories about the struggle of life with death and about his courage and death" is a sophisticated literary work written by a wise and talen...