Once upon a time, the sorceress Melusine fell in love with a man and got married. But she named a day when he should not see her. Baron de Sassenage violated...
"The Sorcerer" is an exciting adventure that tells the story of a boy named Ivan, who accidentally opens a portal to the world of magic and sorcery. This book i...
"The Sorcerer's Skull" is an exciting fantasy book written by a well-known author. This gripping novel follows the journey of a young wizard who overcomes an an...
The famous writer Victoria Henry, at the beginning of her creative career, in order to attract the attention of readers, invented her husband Norman, a secre...
A sorcerer, or a person with phenomenal abilities, a mystical character, during fateful events, finds himself in a mysterious cave, and only a hundred years ...
The rarest coin, a mine thaler, fell into the hands of an avid numismatist Nikita Boyarinov - a rare thing with an ancient mystical history. Learning more an...
They say that the Creator gave people the right to choose, which, it seems, is the Highest Value. But will you be able to make the right choice if you don’t ...
"Witch Hunt" is an exciting adventure that will transport you to a fantasy world where magic, intrigue and danger await at every turn. In this book you will fin...
Four young members of an English family, two brothers and two sisters, go for a walk to the sea, where they accidentally learn about the existence of real me...
Glen Cook is not only one of those rare writers whose talent is equally capable of science fiction and fantasy, but also a writer who has the most original f...