"Miss Billie" by Eleanor Porter is a charming story about a young woman named Billie Neilson, who suddenly finds herself faced with the challenge of raising her...
"Michael O'Halloran" is a literary masterpiece from the famous writer Jean Stratton-Porter, which charms readers with its warmth and thoughtfulness. This book t...
"Charlie Bell, the Tramp of Wickerwood Island" is an exciting adventure of a young orphan who falls into the family of a benevolent farmer on Elm Island. Writte...
"Nobody's a Flower: Or, the Childhood of Rose Shannon" is a fascinating story about a girl named Rose, who grows up in modest circumstances, but dreams of a hap...
"The pillars of the house; or, Under the Water, under the Rodeo, Volume 1 (of 2)" is an exciting historical romantic drama from the famous English writer Charlo...
"Smart Betsy" is a famous children's novel by the American writer Dorothy Canfield Fisher, which tells the story of an eleven-year-old girl named Betsy. The mai...
"Rainbow Valley" is a magical book by the famous Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery, which is part of the series about children from the "Green Roof". In this...
"Further Chronicles of Avonlea" is an exciting collection of stories that takes us into the magical world of the small town of Avonlea. Author Lucy Maude Montgo...
"Dora Dean; or, The Man from India" is an exciting romantic book by the famous English writer Mary Jane Holmes. The action unfolds in the exotic circumstances a...
The book "Three Godfathers" is an exciting adventure story written by Peter B. Kine. The main characters, three elderly robbers, decide to adopt an orphan found...
"Courage: A story in which everyone comes to the conclusion that it was this courage that proved worth having." Author: Ruth Ogden.
In this book, readers go on...
"The Bad Boy in the Airship" is an exciting adventure novel written by the famous American author George Wilbur Peck. The character of the main character, an ev...