"Five Centuries of British Poetic Portraiture" is essentially a small anthology of various poetic genres, comparable to some genres of portraiture. Translato...
Worlds where animals and robots are endowed with intelligence. Worlds where mythical creatures rule over people. Worlds in which virtual reality has complete...
Without looking at the wax merchant, the imperturbable Rosie bowed her head over the viewing window of the marvelous camera. After about a minute, her body w...
He began to hate people more and more. When he looked at them from the height of his window, he wished with all his heart that they would all disappear. And ...
The gray-haired Professor Brin, like a kite, circled over the naked body of a young girl. There was excitement and genuine interest in his eyes. And no wonde...
"The Fate of Lilian Horne" is an exciting novel about a woman looking for her place in the world, about her dreams, inspiration and obstacles on the way to succ...
Interestingly, that us does wait in the future? Fantastic flying machines, flights on other planets, trip in time? This number about all of it and other great deal...
The world of humanoid creatures, albs, woven from blood, darkness and light, has existed for centuries parallel to the world of people. High Albs are gracefu...
The country of Sirion has long been under the protection of powerful gods who maintain harmony and prosperity. Every fifty years the Sun God chooses a new ki...
Conan the Cimmerian was born from the imagination of Robert Irwin Howard. From the stories about the exploits of Conan, a heroic epic was formed. In this pub...
Guy de Maupassant (full name Henri-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant) is a French writer, essayist, author of short stories and novels, one of the great represen...