"Heidis studies and years of travel" is a classic book written by the Swiss writer Johanna Spiri. This story follows the life of a girl named Heidi, who is rais...
"Heidis studies and years of travels" is a classic fairy tale by Johanna Spiri about a girl named Heidi who, after the death of her father, finds herself among ...
"Heidi Can Use Everything She's Learned" is a classic book by the Swiss writer Johanna Spiri. The main character, a cheerful girl Heidi, lives in a mountain vil...
Eight Nieces by Louisa May Alcott is a charming children's book about a girl named Rose who finds herself among her eight fraternal cousins. Traveling around th...
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography by Charlotte Brontë is a classic novel that tells the story of a young woman named Jane Eyre. The main character grew up in a family...
"Mayurin Golgyut" is a classic work of the outstanding Russian writer Vasyl Ivanovich Nemyrovych-Danchenko. The book tells about the events of the first half of...
"Melody: The Story of Childhood" is an impressive literary creation from the famous American writer Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards. The book tells the story of a...
The book "When London Burned: A History of the Restoration and the Great Fire" by George Alfred Henty tells the story of the events that took place during the R...
Anna's Unforgettable Years is a fascinating book written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. In this novel, you will find a tender yet strong story about a seventeen-year-...
"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens is a classic story about life, love, betrayal and the realization of dreams. The main character, the orphan Pip, meets a...
The Trials of Walter Sherwood is an exciting book by the famous American author Horatio Alger, Jr., which tells the story of a young man, Walter Sherwood, who i...
"Findelkind" is a novel by the famous English writer Oida, which captivates the reader from the first lines with its story of loyalty, trust and devotion. The m...