"Tunnuntuwa Tundra" is an exciting book that tells about the adventures of a little penguin named Bumblebee. Captivated by the vast expanses of the snowy desert...
"Straight into the water: poems and slogans" - a collection of the famous Finnish poet Juhani Siljo. This book contains his best poems and sayings, to which the...
"Nuoruuden tunustuksia: Novel" is a literary masterpiece by the recognized Ukrainian writer I. N. Potapenko. In this book, the author reveals the complex psycho...
"In the Heart of the Earth: Stories and Moods" is a collection of works by the Finnish writer Veikko Korhonen. This book collects the best short stories that de...
"Here Beyond the Mountain: Stories" is a collection of works by the Finnish writer Arvi Järventavs, which consists of several fascinating stories. In his works,...
"Tunnustus: A True Life Story" is an insightful novel by Finnish writer Alli Nissinen, which tells the story of a woman who is searching for her place in the wo...
"L'immoraliste" is a novel by the French writer Andre Gide, which was published in 1902. This book tells the story of a young philosopher, Michel, who, after fe...
"Callista: A Tale of the Third Century" is a historical novel by the famous English writer and theologian John Henry Newman. The book tells about the events of ...
The book "Seen and Felt: Stories and Descriptions" by the author Myla Talvio is a collection of works that allows readers to get to know the Finnish writer in a...
"Landas na Tuntunin" is a philosophical novel by the prominent Filipino writer Jose Morante. The book tells about the life path of a young Filipino who is looki...
"The Underworld: A Mirror of Life Beneath the Surface" - a book written by the famous American writer Thomas Wallace Knox, explores and reveals the secrets of t...
The Harrun Site: A Component of the Fulton Culture in the Caddoan Region, Upshur County, Texas is a study of ancient American Indian archaeological sites in wha...